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This mini-me likes to dress in cammies to show support for her Marine. :-)

Hi everyone. I have changed my page as you can see and I have made everything easier to navigate.
Please let me know if there are any dead links.
My lovely "mini-me's" will be your guides. I tried to make them look like me as much as possible and dress them like me, or in the clothes that fit my taste, so that you will get the feeling that I am almost here with you, showing you around. LOL They had no job so I gave them one. Now they just sit and wait for you to come visit. Yep they just wait, and wait, and, wait hours on end because they really don't have a life outside the palace. I try to give them a nice place to work with a cool enviroment, & also I haven given them an extensive wardrobe. I even let them play with Tinkerbell my cat, and Val my cockatiel. So don't feel sorry for them. They are actually quite cozy here. NOW GET TO WORK GIRLS!! WE HAVE COMPANY!! :-) Thank you, Melissa

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